About SCCS
UKAS Accredited Certification Body
The Steel Construction Certification Scheme (SCCS) is the UKAS Accredited Certification Body (No. 0021) specifically for companies engaged in the design, fabrication and erection of constructional steelwork for all forms of industrial, commercial and administrative use such as bridges, power stations, factory buildings, transmission towers, airport buildings etc. This extends right the way through the supply chain, from companies manufacturing and processing structural steel, to companies providing components required to enable fabrication and erection.
UKAS Certifications and Audits
SCCS has a range of certifications including UKCA Marking, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 3834, SSIP and National Highways Sector Schemes for 3, 3B, 19A and 20.
Build UK’s Common Assessment Standard
SCCS is a recognised assessment body for Build UK’s Common Assessment Standard.
Demonstrating excellence and quality
SCCS’s key objective is to secure high standards of excellence and quality across all processes, procedures and practices in the steelwork industry through independent certification to specific standards. Certification and auditing services are offered using an established, clear, staged and structured process.
SCCS’s legacy and history
SCCS was established in 1989 to certify quality management systems in the constructional steelwork sector. Since then, we have expanded our accreditation and certification portfolio and we now have one of the broadest offerings for any company working in manufacturing and processing.
Established UKAS Certification Body
By selecting SCCS you will be working with an established certification body with over 30 years of experience and with an extensive knowledge and awareness of your company’s certification needs for quality, the environment and health and safety.
Wholly Owned Subsidiary of BCSA
SCCS is a wholly owned subsidiary of BCSA Ltd. BCSA’s Group of Companies includes BCSA, Steel for Life and SCCS. It has its own Board of Directors, Management and steering committee and Impartiality Board, remaining independent from BCSA.
Other companies in the group include:
Steel for Life Steel for Life is the UK structural steel sector’s market development programme. Steel for Life’s key purpose is to communicate and disseminate the advantages that steel offers to the construction sector which make it the material of choice for a wide range of buildings, bridgeworks and other structures. | BCSA BCSA Limited is the national organisation for the steel construction industry. BCSA has represented the UK Structural Steel sector for over a century. It is a focal point at local, national and international level for the steel construction industry, acting as its representative body and central management services organisation. |
The SCCS Register of Certificate Holders.
A Register of Certificate Holders is maintained by SCCS and is open to inspection by the public at https://steelcertification.co.uk/steelwork-accreditation-directory/ or at the offices of the Steel Construction Certification Scheme Ltd., 1st Floor, Unit 4 Hayfield Business Park, Field Lane, Auckley, Doncaster, DN9 3FL.
The Register identifies the company name, address and contact details as well as the management system / systems certified.
Clients issued with one or more management system certificate(s) by SCCS are authorised to use the SCCS accredited logos and symbols as a declaration of conformity of the relevant management systems and the associated working practices to the respective international standard and the declared scope of registration.
Clients shall use the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols in accordance with UKAS Regulations along with the following conditions:
a) The SCCS accreditation logos and symbols shall be used where a valid certificate of registration has been issued and only in conjunction with the certified Client’s name and may have the Certificate of Registration number adjacent to it (NB: not within the outer box).
b) If used on stationery, advertising and promotional material, the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols must only be used in connection with the scope of the management system certification and shall not be used on vehicles, flags, buildings, products or product related documents or certificates.
c) The SCCS accreditation logos and symbols must not be used in a context to suggest that a building, structure, structural element or component has been certified.
d) The SCCS accreditation logos and symbols cannot be applied to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports.
e) Entitlement to use the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols is pertinent only to the Client address and locations quoted on the Certificate.
f) If a use of the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols is considered to be unacceptable by the Certification Board, the Client shall undertake to discontinue that use.
g) On withdrawal of a Certificate of Registration, the Client undertakes to discontinue the use of the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols immediately and to destroy all stock of material on which it appears.
h) All advertising matter is amended if the scope of certification is reduced.
i) The SCCS accreditation logos and symbols must not be used to imply certification applies to activities outside the scope of accreditation.
j) The certification is not to be used in such a manner that would bring SCCS or the management system into disrepute and lose public trust. Clients are not permitted to make misleading statements about their certification.
Clients are not permitted to use the certification document (or any part of) in a misleading manner.
Any misuse of the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols will be taken seriously by the Certification Board and, if considered to be necessary, legal action will be taken against the offending party.
Clients issued with a management system certificate by SCCS are authorised to use the SCCS UKCA Approved Body number 2273 as a declaration of conformity of the relevant management systems and the associated working practices to the Construction Products Regulations, respective designated standard and the declared scope of registration.
Clients shall use the SCCS accreditation logos and symbols in accordance with UKAS and Construction Products Regulations. The SCCS accreditation logos and symbols and / or SCCS UKCA Approved Body number (2273) shall be used where a valid certificate of registration has been issued and only in conjunction with the certified Client’s name and address and manufacturing location.